Snapshots from the Kick-off Event

Snapshots of the kick-off event for the 2018 Wunsiedel Water Games for Urban Development Day on May 12, 2018, as photographed by Lena Wenz.


Jury meets on Saturday, March 3

March 3rd, 2018 was the big day: the jury met to select 15 to 20 participant artists from the almost 200 submissions to the Wunsiedler Water Games. The jury members were:

Zdenka Bilkova, Curator (Gallery Carlsbad – Ostrov)

Raimund Böhringer, Landscaping Architect (Wunsiedel Citizens’ Forum)

Stefan Frank, Film Producer (Wunsiedel Citizens’ Forum)

Dr. Robert Grötschel, Independent Curator, Art Historian

German Schlaug, Art Instructor (Wunsiedel Citizens’ Forum)

Eberhard Tröger, Lecturer, ZHdK & ZHAW

A Rainbow at the start of the Wunsiedel Water Games

During the kick-off to the Wunsiedel Water Games we stood in the pouring rain while the sun shone…

Photo: Alexander Stöhr

For more than two hours you could see a double rainbow over our bright little town.

Photo: Nine Riedel

As soon as the sun went down, the rain stopped…

Photo: Christine Wunsiedler

Thank you to all who made this evening possible!

A special “Thank you!” to Alexander Stöhr, Nine Riedel, Christine Wunsiedler and Ulrike Schelter-Baudach for the rainbow pictures!

Photo: Ulrike Schelter-Baudach